Retirement Architecture™ is a unique brand of Live.2.100, Inc., a New York-headquartered corporation that provides complex retirement forecasting services to financial professionals nationwide. Retirement Architecture uses proprietary "Blueprinting" technology to help educate people so they can work more intelligently with their financial advisors, insurance professionals, tax professionals, and estate planning attorneys.
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Brett T. Saso, Sr.
Founder & CEO
Live.2.100, Inc
d.b.a. Retirement Architecture
What was Brett’s driving force in creating Retirement Architecture? Here is a worst-case scenario history that may help.
Brett grew up in the Mid-Hudson Valley region of New York. He decided to pursue a career in the newly evolving modular home industry. The Mid-Hudson region was also the manufacturing center of IBM (the largest employer at the time), presenting an excellent opportunity for middle-class real estate development. IBM was growing, and they paid their employees well.
Targeting the IBM workforce, Brett quickly became one of the area leaders in the modular home construction business. Business was good and growing into the early 90s. Brett started developing land in a targeted zone between Poughkeepsie and Kingston, NY, which had large IBM plants. With a multi-lot subdivision ready, IBM unexpectedly announced the closure of its Kingston plant and the consolidation of its Mid-Hudson workforce; 12,000 jobs were eliminated or transferred out of the state. This created a local real estate collapse - Brett ended up losing everything. Brett often says, “It doesn't matter how hard you work; there will always be something that can blindside you and take it all away! It took Brett years to rebuild his life.
Today, Brett is helping his fellow "Baby Boomers" prepare for their possible financial blindside, which could destroy their retirement dreams. He believes a massive financial disaster is in the makings, and should it happen, baby boomers will not have the time to recover. Not wanting to be considered an alarmist, he felt the best way to help people is through awareness. With his construction background, using blueprints to expose what a financial “Worst-Case Scenario” would do to a retirement plan would be the best way to get the masses to make the worst-case scenario part of the retirement planning process.
More than 20,000 people a month are being introduced to their Worst-Case Scenario
About Brett
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It all started with our National Retirement Blueprinting Program
When COVID-19 was unleashed on this country, our new television series "Live To 100" was canceled; just one day of filming was completed. We quickly pivoted to a national TV commercial and began working with people through our Zoom platform. Our commercials generated tens of thousands of inquiries from baby boomers. Our message was so well received that we had to pull the ads off the air. We simply could not handle the calls for help. We quickly learned just how exposed people are to financial disasters. We also learned that financial advisors were unwilling to engage in the financial emergency drills we were recommending.